Most companies use inventory turns alone to measure leanness. But a method that considers economies of scale and industry-specific relationships between sales and inventories will provide a more accurate assessment.
Cuneyt Eroglu is Assistant Professor in the Supply Chain and Information Management Group at the D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University.
Adriana Rossiter-Hofer is Assistant Professor in the Supply Chain Management Department at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas.
Because inventory management is so important for an organization's operational and financial success, inventory leanness is never far from a supply chain leader's mind. And good inventory management requires good measurement. As the adage goes, you cannot manage what you cannot measure.
Traditionally, inventory leanness has been measured using inventory turns, which in simple terms can be expressed as the ratio of sales to the average inventory level. The inventory turns measure was easy to compute, easy to explain, and easy to use, so it was widely adopted and many variants were developed. Yet the basic idea has never changed: simply compare inventory levels to sales. In this article, we present a new way to measure inventory leanness, which we refer to as the Empirical Leanness Indicator (ELI). The benefit of using ELI is that it gives managers a more accurate assessment of inventory leanness in cases where inventory turns could be misleading. The reason is that ELI considers both the economies of scale in inventory management and industry-specific relationships between sales and inventories. Inventory turns and its many variants ignore both of these important factors.
[Figure 5] Different shapes of the turnover curve depending on ?Enlarge this image
What is ELI?
While inventory turns simply compare a company's inventories to its sales, ELI compares inventories to a benchmark inventory level, which depends on a company's size (sales) and industry. This benchmark inventory level is based on the concept of turnover curves developed by Ballou1 and shown in Figure 1. A turnover curve describes the relationship between sales and inventories in a specific industry. Since this relationship can change from industry to industry, only data from companies in the same industry are used in estimating the turnover curve. This way, the turnover curve establishes a benchmark for proper comparisons.
In Figure 1, blue dots represent companies, the x-axis represents sales (size), and the y-axis represents inventory levels. The turnover curve captures the benchmark inventory level that a company should hold given its size. For example, the benchmark inventory level for Firm A is indicated by the green dot. The difference between actual and benchmark inventory levels (denoted by the dashed line) forms the basis for ELI. Companies below the turnover curve are considered lean, as they carry relatively less inventory for their size. The opposite is true for those above the turnover curve. To continue our example, Figure 1 shows that Firm A is not lean because it holds more inventory than it should for its size.
Comparison of ELI and inventory turns
Extensive empirical analyses (such as Eroglu and Hofer 2011) indicate that turnover curves are typically concave.2 That is, as a company grows (its sales increase), its inventory level also increases, but at a slower pace. This means that companies become more efficient in managing their inventories as they sell more products. Thus, there are economies of scale in inventory management.
Figure 2 illustrates a situation where inventory turns can be misleading because that measurement ignores economies of scale. Suppose that Firm B doubles its sales and inventories and moves from the green dot to the blue dot. Since both its sales and its inventories doubled at the same time, its inventory turns will stay constant. Moreover, if Firm B's inventory turns were higher than the industry average in the beginning, they will remain so after its sales double. However, the existence of economies of scale suggests that as Firm's B's sales doubled, its inventories should have less than doubled.
In the beginning, Firm B was below the turnover curve, indicating that its inventory was lean. After its sales and inventories doubled, it moved above the curve, because it has not experienced the efficiency gains that would be expected as a result of increased sales. Nevertheless, inventory turns suggest that Firm B is still as efficient as before. ELI, by contrast, captures a more accurate view by showing that Firm B has become less lean, as it failed to capture the economies of scale in inventory management.
The turnover curve can change from industry to industry due to the many different factors that can shape the inventory-sales relationship, such as different production technologies, the perishable nature of some products, and the intensity of competition in a particular industry. The turnover curve can be flatter in some industries and more curved in others. Similarly, the turnover curve can change over time—as new technologies are adopted, for example. ELI takes into account industry and time differences because a turnover curve is estimated for a group of companies in the same industry and the same time period. Hence, ELI assesses how lean a company is compared to its peers (competitors) in the same industry and during the same time period. Inventory turns, in contrast, calculate the ratio of sales to inventories in isolation of all the factors that may influence the relationship between the two.
How to apply ELI
ELI can be easily calculated in Excel. All you need is sales and inventory figures for businesses in a given industry at a particular point in time. This information is freely available for publicly traded companies from sources such as EDGAR or Yahoo Finance.
As an example, Figure 3 shows the sales and inventory figures (Columns B and C) of publicly traded companies operating in the audio and video equipment manufacturing industry (NAICS 334310) in the first quarter of 2003. First, we estimate the equation for the turnover curve Inventory = α(Sales)β. (Please see the sidebar for a more detailed explanation of this functional form.) Although it may look intimidating at first, this equation can be linearized by simply taking the natural logarithm of both sides, which yields lnInventory = lnα + β(lnSales). The natural logarithms of sales and inventory are shown in Columns D and E in Figure 3. To estimate α and β, we can run a linear regression analysis in Excel with lnInventory as the y variable and lnSales as the x variable. In the "regression" dialog box, it is important to check the "standardized residuals" box.
The estimation results from Excel are shown in Figure 4. The estimates for lnα and β are 2.32 and 0.89, respectively (cells H15 and H16). Moreover, the R square value (cell H3) is 0.89 (which by coincidence equals the estimate for β), which suggests that the model explains 89 percent of the variation in inventories. In other words, 89 percent of the differences in inventory levels among companies are attributable to the differences in sales volumes. This means that sales volume is the single most important driver of inventories. Such strong results are very typical in our analyses of dozens of industries over several decades. There is a very fundamental, very basic relationship between inventories and sales. In our experience, the explanatory power of this simple model, as measured by R square, rarely drops below 70 percent, and it is not uncommon to see R square values above 95 percent. This attests to the scientific validity of our model.
The coefficient β determines the shape of the turnover curve; that is, the extent of economies of scale. When β < 1, there are economies of scale in inventory management, which is true for most industries. When β > 1,there are diseconomies of scale, which is rarely observed. In Figure 4, the estimate of β is 0.89 (cell H16). Given the logarithmic transformation, this estimate means that for every 1 percent increase in sales, inventories increase by 0.89 percent on average. Hence, there are economies of scale in this particular industry.
The Excel output in Figure 4 also gives us the turnover curve. While Column M identifies firms 1 through 16, Column N (titled "Predicted Y") shows their benchmark inventory levels; that is, the point on the turnover curve corresponding to each company's inventory level. Column O lists the residuals, which represent the deviation from the estimated regression line (benchmark inventory level). A positive residual suggests that the company lies above the regression line, while a negative residual suggests the opposite. While there is no upper or lower limit on the residuals, the standardized residuals are scaled to range from -3 to +3. This standardization aids cross-industry comparisons. Hence, we use standardized residuals for ELI, which is calculated by multiplying the standardized residuals by -1. This way, a company that has a lot of inventories, and therefore lies above the regression line and has a positive standardized residual, will have a negative (low) leanness value. Similarly, a firm below the regression line will have a positive (high) leanness value.
To summarize, follow these steps for calculating the ELI:
Obtain sales and inventory data for companies in a given industry and time period.
Calculate the natural logarithm of sales and inventories.
Use regression in Excel with lnInventory as the y variable and lnSales as the x variable. Ask for standardized residuals.
Multiply standardized residuals by -1 to obtain ELI values.
A more detailed explanation of ELI can be found in Eroglu and Hofer (2011). For those who are interested in experimenting, we have calculated the turnover curves in various industries in 2013. You can benchmark your company's inventory leanness by going to our companion website for additional information, an instructional video, and a sample Excel file.
Beyond company-level comparisons
In this article, we have introduced ELI as a new way of measuring inventory leanness. ELI ranges on a continuum from -3 to +3. If a firm's ELI value is close to zero, it must be close to the turnover curve and therefore carries approximately the benchmark inventory for its size (sales). As a firm's ELI value increases it becomes leaner. Conversely, as its ELI decreases it becomes less lean. Note that ELI is not a categorical variable where a firm is either lean or not lean. Rather, ELI is about the degree of leanness.
Inventory turns are universally known, and ELI is a relatively new measure. Naturally, there can be resistance to ELI. For example, it can be argued that the results obtained by measuring leanness using ELI and inventory turns do not always disagree. Indeed, there can be situations where there is a significant overlap between ELI and inventory turns. This is especially true when the coefficient β of the turnover curve is equal to or close to 1. However, one cannot predict the extent of overlap between the ELI and inventory turns before estimating the turnover curve. As β deviates from 1, the overlap between ELI and inventory turns decreases and the disagreement increases. But once you calculate the turnover curve, you have a measure that is more accurate than inventory turns. So, why not use ELI? If you do end up using inventory turns as a measure of leanness, use caution and remember that inventory turns can lead you to improper comparisons.
ELI's method can be extended in interesting ways. Turnover curves are useful in establishing benchmarks for various operations. For example, instead of comparing companies, you can compare how efficiently various stocking locations (warehouses, distribution centers, and so forth) manage inventories. Similarly, you can compare the inventory performance of your company's retail locations. In addition, instead of using dollar amounts for sales and inventories, you can use other measures, such as case pack, units, pallets, and more.
The beauty of ELI is that it captures the fundamental relationship between sales and inventories—knowledge that can be applied in many interesting ways to benchmark and improve inventory management. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. We would be especially interested to know how you implement ELI in your supply chain operations.
1. R.H. Ballou, "Estimating and auditing aggregate inventory levels at multiple stocking points," Journal of Operations Management 1, no. 3 (1981): 143-153.
2. C. Eroglu and C. Hofer, "Lean, leaner, too lean? The inventory-performance link revisited," Journal of Operations Management 29, no. 4 (2011): 356-369.
Estimating the equation for the turnover curve
We model the turnover curve with the equation Inventory = α(Sales)β. So, if a company's sales volume is s, the corresponding benchmark inventory level is obtained by raising s to the power of β and multiplying by α, expressed as αsβ. The elements α and β are industry-specific parameters whose values change from industry to industry. Hence, they have to be estimated separately for each industry.
The advantage of using this function is that it can take on different shapes depending on β (the shape parameter), as shown in Figure 5. For example, when β = 1 the equation becomes Inventory = α x Sales and the turnover curve becomes a straight line. This means that inventories and sales increase or decrease at the same rate. When sales double, the inventories also double. Thus, there are no economies or diseconomies of scale when β = 1.
When the shape parameter β is between 0 and 1, the turnover curve becomes concave. In this case, sales and inventory change at different rates. More specifically, inventories increase or decrease more slowly than sales. For example, when sales double, inventories less than double. In other words, a company needs less than double the amount of inventory to sustain double the sales. Hence, there are economies of scale.
The opposite is true when the shape parameter β is greater than 1. In this case, inventories change at a higher rate than sales. For instance, when sales double, inventories more than double, indicating diseconomies of scale. In other words, a company needs more than double the amount of inventory to sustain double the sales.
Manufacturing and logistics workers are raising a red flag over workplace quality issues according to industry research released this week.
A comparative study of more than 4,000 workers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia found that manufacturing and logistics workers say they have seen colleagues reduce the quality of their work and not follow processes in the workplace over the past year, with rates exceeding the overall average by 11% and 8%, respectively.
The study—the Resilience Nation report—was commissioned by UK-based regulatory and compliance software company Ideagen, and it polled workers in industries such as energy, aviation, healthcare, and financial services. The results “explore the major threats and macroeconomic factors affecting people today, providing perspectives on resilience across global landscapes,” according to the authors.
According to the study, 41% of manufacturing and logistics workers said they’d witnessed their peers hiding mistakes, and 45% said they’ve observed coworkers cutting corners due to apathy—9% above the average. The results also showed that workers are seeing colleagues take safety risks: More than a third of respondents said they’ve seen people putting themselves in physical danger at work.
The authors said growing pressure inside and outside of the workplace are to blame for the lack of diligence and resiliency on the job. Internally, workers say they are under pressure to deliver more despite reduced capacity. Among the external pressures, respondents cited the rising cost of living as the biggest problem (39%), closely followed by inflation rates, supply chain challenges, and energy prices.
“People are being asked to deliver more at work when their resilience is being challenged by economic and political headwinds,” Ideagen’s CEO Ben Dorks said in a statement announcing the findings. “Ultimately, this is having a determinantal impact on business productivity, workplace health and safety, and the quality of work produced, as well as further reducing the resilience of the nation at large.”
Respondents said they believe technology will eventually alleviate some of the stress occurring in manufacturing and logistics, however.
“People are optimistic that emerging tech and AI will ultimately lighten the load, but they’re not yet feeling the benefits,” Dorks added. “It’s a gap that now, more than ever, business leaders must look to close and support their workforce to ensure their staff remain safe and compliance needs are met across the business.”
ReposiTrak, a global food traceability network operator, will partner with Upshop, a provider of store operations technology for food retailers, to create an end-to-end grocery traceability solution that reaches from the supply chain to the retail store, the firms said today.
The partnership creates a data connection between suppliers and the retail store. It works by integrating Salt Lake City-based ReposiTrak’s network of thousands of suppliers and their traceability shipment data with Austin, Texas-based Upshop’s network of more than 450 retailers and their retail stores.
That accomplishment is important because it will allow food sector trading partners to meet the U.S. FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act Section 204d (FSMA 204) requirements that they must create and store complete traceability records for certain foods.
And according to ReposiTrak and Upshop, the traceability solution may also unlock potential business benefits. It could do that by creating margin and growth opportunities in stores by connecting supply chain data with store data, thus allowing users to optimize inventory, labor, and customer experience management automation.
"Traceability requires data from the supply chain and – importantly – confirmation at the retail store that the proper and accurate lot code data from each shipment has been captured when the product is received. The missing piece for us has been the supply chain data. ReposiTrak is the leader in capturing and managing supply chain data, starting at the suppliers. Together, we can deliver a single, comprehensive traceability solution," Mark Hawthorne, chief innovation and strategy officer at Upshop, said in a release.
"Once the data is flowing the benefits are compounding. Traceability data can be used to improve food safety, reduce invoice discrepancies, and identify ways to reduce waste and improve efficiencies throughout the store,” Hawthorne said.
Under FSMA 204, retailers are required by law to track Key Data Elements (KDEs) to the store-level for every shipment containing high-risk food items from the Food Traceability List (FTL). ReposiTrak and Upshop say that major industry retailers have made public commitments to traceability, announcing programs that require more traceability data for all food product on a faster timeline. The efforts of those retailers have activated the industry, motivating others to institute traceability programs now, ahead of the FDA’s enforcement deadline of January 20, 2026.
Shippers today are praising an 11th-hour contract agreement that has averted the threat of a strike by dockworkers at East and Gulf coast ports that could have frozen container imports and exports as soon as January 16.
The agreement came late last night between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) representing some 45,000 workers and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) that includes the operators of 14 port facilities up and down the coast.
Details of the new agreement on those issues have not yet been made public, but in the meantime, retailers and manufacturers are heaving sighs of relief that trade flows will continue.
“Providing certainty with a new contract and avoiding further disruptions is paramount to ensure retail goods arrive in a timely manner for consumers. The agreement will also pave the way for much-needed modernization efforts, which are essential for future growth at these ports and the overall resiliency of our nation’s supply chain,” Gold said.
The next step in the process is for both sides to ratify the tentative agreement, so negotiators have agreed to keep those details private in the meantime, according to identical statements released by the ILA and the USMX. In their joint statement, the groups called the six-year deal a “win-win,” saying: “This agreement protects current ILA jobs and establishes a framework for implementing technologies that will create more jobs while modernizing East and Gulf coasts ports – making them safer and more efficient, and creating the capacity they need to keep our supply chains strong. This is a win-win agreement that creates ILA jobs, supports American consumers and businesses, and keeps the American economy the key hub of the global marketplace.”
The breakthrough hints at broader supply chain trends, which will focus on the tension between operational efficiency and workforce job protection, not just at ports but across other sectors as well, according to a statement from Judah Levine, head of research at Freightos, a freight booking and payment platform. Port automation was the major sticking point leading up to this agreement, as the USMX pushed for technologies to make ports more efficient, while the ILA opposed automation or semi-automation that could threaten jobs.
"This is a six-year détente in the tech-versus-labor tug-of-war at U.S. ports," Levine said. “Automation remains a lightning rod—and likely one we’ll see in other industries—but this deal suggests a cautious path forward."
Logistics industry growth slowed in December due to a seasonal wind-down of inventory and following one of the busiest holiday shopping seasons on record, according to the latest Logistics Managers’ Index (LMI) report, released this week.
The monthly LMI was 57.3 in December, down more than a percentage point from November’s reading of 58.4. Despite the slowdown, economic activity across the industry continued to expand, as an LMI reading above 50 indicates growth and a reading below 50 indicates contraction.
The LMI researchers said the monthly conditions were largely due to seasonal drawdowns in inventory levels—and the associated costs of holding them—at the retail level. The LMI’s Inventory Levels index registered 50, falling from 56.1 in November. That reduction also affected warehousing capacity, which slowed but remained in expansion mode: The LMI’s warehousing capacity index fell 7 points to a reading of 61.6.
December’s results reflect a continued trend toward more typical industry growth patterns following recent years of volatility—and they point to a successful peak holiday season as well.
“Retailers were clearly correct in their bet to stock [up] on goods ahead of the holiday season,” the LMI researchers wrote in their monthly report. “Holiday sales from November until Christmas Eve were up 3.8% year-over-year according to Mastercard. This was largely driven by a 6.7% increase in e-commerce sales, although in-person spending was up 2.9% as well.”
And those results came during a compressed peak shopping cycle.
“The increase in spending came despite the shorter holiday season due to the late Thanksgiving,” the researchers also wrote, citing National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that U.S. shoppers spent just short of a trillion dollars in November and December, making it the busiest holiday season of all time.
The LMI is a monthly survey of logistics managers from across the country. It tracks industry growth overall and across eight areas: inventory levels and costs; warehousing capacity, utilization, and prices; and transportation capacity, utilization, and prices. The report is released monthly by researchers from Arizona State University, Colorado State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, and the University of Nevada, Reno, in conjunction with the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP).
The three companies say the deal will allow clients to both define ideal set-ups for new warehouses and to continuously enhance existing facilities with Mega, an Nvidia Omniverse blueprint for large-scale industrial digital twins. The strategy includes a digital twin powered by physical AI – AI models that embody principles and qualities of the physical world – to improve the performance of intelligent warehouses that operate with automated forklifts, smart cameras and automation and robotics solutions.
The partners’ approach will take advantage of digital twins to plan warehouses and train robots, they said. “Future warehouses will function like massive autonomous robots, orchestrating fleets of robots within them,” Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of Nvidia, said in a release. “By integrating Omniverse and Mega into their solutions, Kion and Accenture can dramatically accelerate the development of industrial AI and autonomy for the world’s distribution and logistics ecosystem.”
Kion said it will use Nvidia’s technology to provide digital twins of warehouses that allows facility operators to design the most efficient and safe warehouse configuration without interrupting operations for testing. That includes optimizing the number of robots, workers, and automation equipment. The digital twin provides a testing ground for all aspects of warehouse operations, including facility layouts, the behavior of robot fleets, and the optimal number of workers and intelligent vehicles, the company said.
In that approach, the digital twin doesn’t stop at simulating and testing configurations, but it also trains the warehouse robots to handle changing conditions such as demand, inventory fluctuation, and layout changes. Integrated with Kion’s warehouse management software (WMS), the digital twin assigns tasks like moving goods from buffer zones to storage locations to virtual robots. And powered by advanced AI, the virtual robots plan, execute, and refine these tasks in a continuous loop, simulating and ultimately optimizing real-world operations with infinite scenarios, Kion said.